Thursday, October 14, 2010


Around the age of 20 cards talk about the partying life and being free and "having fun while you can." In  the 20s era of a person's life your carefree with not many responsibilities. You usually have to worry about yourself and that's it. The 30-4- age cards usually talk about settling down and having to grow up. The cards remind you of your responsibilities and the work life. I even seen a card that said life just goes down hill from here on. It expresses that the fun life you once had is over now.
   The 40-50 age cards talk about how your getting old and the wrinkles are now setting in and how real pain starts now. It's generalized as this being the age where most people start to get into the process of slowing down. Some cards start mentioning the kids growing up and being the pain in the butt.
   Now the 50 and above cards really start to bring out the jokes of getting old. I found a lot of humorous cards to do with this age period. It not only jokes age but also a persons significant other. Women are talked as being the nags while are seen as being lazy. Cards tend to focus a lot on the spouses and the usual faults in a joking matter.
   It seems that the humor about aging grows as the years increase. some people find the humorous cards about aging offensive but I think they're truly funny. I think aging cards should be funny to lighten the mood about getting old because it really can be a sensitive issue at times.
   Aging in our society is seen as a negative thing once you hit a certain age. When you're young you rush to grow up as fast as possible, a kid would do anything to grow up as fast as they can. Then when you actually do grow up you wish to be young again. Older people also do a lot to prevent the aging process; at least most do. They use creams to take the wrinkles away, dye their hair so it's not gray anymore, and many other changes in their physical appearance. Some people even go to the extent to lying about their age. In my opinion when you get older you should be happy about the life you lived and not frown upon it so much. Be happy you made it far enough in life to grow old.

Thursday, September 30, 2010

What I've learned

I've not only learned new things, but I think different about some things. I view the study of psychology different now. I always thought it was just how people explain why some people are crazy. I've learned it is much more deeper than that.
   Chapter 1, I learned about structuralism and functionalism. Things I've both heard of but never knew about and I now know what they have to do with the human mind. I know how psychology is a science and how it relates to science. The operations of an experiment and all the different steps taken. There is a lot more to an experiment than i thought. Definitely a more complicated and detailed process than I imagined.
   Chapter 2 showed me a more detailed outline of the brain and some of its functions. The nervous system and all its functions surprises me. I didn't realize how many jobs it had throughout the human body. I learned about Electroencephalogram (EEG) and what it's used for. Along with the importance of (PET scan), (MRI), and (FMRI).
   Chapter 3 made me realize what the conscious and unconscious mind are. Something that is called dual processing with perception, memory, thinking, language, and attitude. I've heard a lot about REM sleep, but this chapter gave me a pretty good outline on it. It made me understand how sleep disorders affect us.
   I found structuralism and functionalism very interesting. It explained two approaches on the mind. A sensory and elemental way of processing things. Than on the other hand the functional way of the mind. They way it functions like a vehicle, and works like a machine.
   I was also fascinated by the REM sleep section in chapter three. I've always been interested in sleep disorders. They interest me because of all the things that are possible when your sleeping. I find it weird that sleep has its own biological rhythm. I can't believe we have 5 different sleep stages. The thing we usually experience that we sometimes remember is our dreams. Things occur when we sleep and we have no clue what's happening. I also never realized how your sleep pattern can be influenced. I think the most surprising thing for me is sleep patterns being genetically influenced. I can see how it would be influenced in a way, but I guess I see sleep being more individual or being influenced by the environment your in. Yet just another thing I learned to add to the list.
   As we'v gone through the chapters so far the question that has lingered for me is- Does psychology have more to do with feelings and emotions or your mental process. so which does it lean more towards?
   In the section about experimentation in chapter one it talks about double-blind process. Does the researcher collecting the data not knowing who's receiving the real treatment effect the outcome? an if so how?
   I am a little unclear on the conscious and unconscious mind. How they coincide with each other. Such as, can memories carry over from one to the other?

Poem about Psychology!!

You may not be smart, you may not be clever
 but in psychology neither are required.
Yes your feelings are involved
 but no worries, your mind will not dissolve.
Maybe it will teach you to make new friends
 possibly tie up some loose ends.
You definitely need an open mind
 or your thoughts will interwind.

By: Kelsey Detlaff:)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

psychological introductory

My name is Kelsey Mae Detlaff and I am sixteen years old and go to Flambeau High School. Through the years of growing up I was around my grandparents just as much as my parents. My grandparents work ethic were installed into me. I've always been taught to work as hard as I can and that laziness is never an option. My grandpa always says " There's always something constructive you could be doing, and no excuses for being lazy or bored." That has definitely had a positive impact on my life. Working has always been important to me and always will be which makes me proud of my family and myself.
   I'm a person to over think things a lot. I over think to the point of worrying and stressing over things that are smaller than I make them to be. Which tends to get in the way of me learning sometimes unfortunately. It happens quite a bit that I make an assignment harder than it really is. I've improved on many of my weaknesses through high school but still have more to work.
   I always try to make the best of my relationship with anyone, whether it's with my boyfriend,parents, or siblings. I try to avoid any form of confrontation at all times. I'm a person to work disagreements out by talking them out in a calm way. Not saying i never fight with anyone because it does happen, but I prefer not to.
   I'm very comfortable socially. At first I'm shy until I get to know someone because I need to find out how I can be around them. I'm very outgoing after I know my limits with people. I'm easy to get along with and fun to be around. I don't like people that are judge mental so I make sure never to do that and to always be accepting of differences.
   My anger level is usually pretty low. I may let things get to me easy but I don't let my anger get out of control. The word that would describe my kind of anger is irritation. I get irritated and annoyed with them, but don't show it to other people. I take after my mom in that way she doesn't like to show her anger. It is one of the many things we have in common, in other words I'm a replica of my mom. We talk about everything because we both are good listeners and are easy to talk to. Now being alike is a downfall in our relationship at times because it makes us argue. The reason for that is we both think were right and it leaves to a never ending fight. Most of my traits i get from my mom and I'm proud of it!